Monpa, Tawang

Nationality Classification
门巴族 Monba (Menba)
Language or Dialect Name (Chinese)
Language or Dialect Name (English)
Monpa, Tawang
ISO 639-3 Code
Language Stock Classification
藏缅语族 Sino-Tibetan, Tibeto-Burman
Primary Province or Region
西藏自治区 Tibet (Xizang) Autonomous Region
Location (in China)
Southeastern Tibetan Autonomous Region, around 600 southern dialect speakers in the Lebu (Lumpo) district of Cuona (Cona) county (Shannan region) and approximately 700 speakers northern dialect speakers in Wenlang village of Dexing district of Motuo count
Estimated Speaker Population (in China)
Speaker Population Year of Estimate