Nationality Classification | 藏族 Tibetan |
Language or Dialect Name (Chinese) | 纳木义语 |
Language or Dialect Name (English) | Namuyi |
ISO 639-3 Code | nmy |
Language Stock Classification | 藏缅语族 Sino-Tibetan, Tibeto-Burman |
Primary Province or Region | 四川省 Sichuan Province |
Location (in China) | Southwestern Sichuan: Mianning, Muli, Xichang, and Yanyuan counties of the Liangshan Yi Autonomous prefecture, and Jiulong (Gyaisi) county in the Ganzi (Garze) Tibetan Autonomous prefecture |
Estimated Speaker Population (in China) | 5,000 |
Speaker Population Year of Estimate | 2000 |