Nationality Classification | 傈僳族 Lisu |
Secondary Nationality | 怒族 Nu |
Language or Dialect Name (Chinese) | 傈僳语 |
Language or Dialect Name (English) | Lisu |
ISO 639-3 Code | lis |
Language Stock Classification | 藏缅语族 Sino-Tibetan, Tibeto-Burman |
Primary Province or Region | 云南省 Yunnan Province |
Location (in China) | Western Yunnan Province, 11 prefectures, 63 counties, upper reaches of the Salween and Mekong rivers, and Sichuan province, southwest Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture. |
Estimated Speaker Population (in China) | 610,000 |
Speaker Population Year of Estimate | 2000 |